
  • Friday, 03 Sep, 2021,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

The easy way to check into greyhound clubs

Essential persons only are currently allowed at Victoria’s greyhound clubs, and it is imperative that all visitors check in to assist with speeding up contact tracing in the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case.

The quickest and easiest way to check into any location is by using the Services Vic App on your mobile phone.

For a quick guide on how to download and use the Services Vic App for QR coding purposes, please click HERE or check out the video below.

For those who cannot use their phones because their mobiles are not capable, Victoria’s greyhound clubs are providing an alternative means for participants to leave their details – usually by way of a manual attendance log next to the QR code sign at point of entry.

Some clubs are also able to check people in electronically using a kiosk system, however many clubs will not have this service available.

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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