
Complaints and Feedback

Do you have any feedback for GRV? A complaint, a compliment or suggestion about how we could do things differently? Whether you’re a participant, stakeholder or member of the community, we’d like to hear from you. GRV values all feedback as it helps us to do our job better and improves the overall conduct of the sport in Victoria.

Our Feedback Office handles all complaints, suggestions and compliments about the regulation and management of greyhound racing and welfare in Victoria. The Office carries out transparent and accountable investigation of all complaints and passes on suggestions and compliments to the relevant areas within GRV.

A copy of the GRV Complaint Handling Guidelines is available HERE.

Provide Feedback

    Feedback Office FAQs

    • What kind of issues does the office deal with?

      Your feedback can be about any part of the sport in Victoria including:

      • Race day operations
      • Track and club facilities
      • Decisions by stewards or judges
      • GRV and club policies, procedures and services
      • Behaviour by GRV or club staff
      • Animal welfare issues
      • Health and safety matters
      • Syndication management

      Information about integrity matters should continue to be referred to the Greyhound Racing Integrity Unit GRIU) which can be contacted via the GRIU Hotline: 1300 856 109.

    • What kind of suggestions can I make?

      GRV encourages participants to share fresh ideas about how we can do things differently to keep improving greyhound racing in Victoria. Participants have a wealth of knowledge and experience that GRV is keen to use to help build a strong and sustainable future for the sport.

    • How do I make a formal complaint or provide a suggestion or compliment?

      You can do so either by letter, email or by using our online form below.

      [email protected]

      +61 3 8329 1100

      Feedback Office
      Greyhound Racing Victoria
      46 – 50 Chetwynd Street, West Melbourne Vic 3003

    • What information should I provide?

      You can tell us anything you think will help with the investigation and resolution of a complaint, including the location, date and time of incidents, what rules or regulations may have been contravened and what kind of resolution you are looking for or can suggest. Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may ask you to provide more information, evidence or contact details for witnesses. All information you provide will be handled confidentially.

      The more information you provide with your compliment or suggestion, the better we can make sure it gets to the right people.

    • How long will it take to resolve a complaint?

      While complaints can come in all shapes and sizes, our target is that any investigation of a complaint is completed within 30 business days. However, if the complaint is complex, it may take a little longer. If this becomes the case, we will regularly update you on how the investigation of your complaint is proceeding.

    • How will my complaint be handled within GRV?

      The Feedback Office will receive your complaint and assess which team or teams within GRV are involved in the matter. These teams will be informed of the complaint and an investigation will take place. You may be asked to provide more information about the matter.

      Once your complaint has been investigated, you will receive a formal written response by the Feedback Office which will include the resolution proposed by GRV. If you are satisfied with this resolution, the complaint will be closed and GRV will use the results of the investigation to help improve its operations.

    • What can I do if I’m not satisfied with how my complaint has been resolved?

      If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint (and it relates to an integrity related matter as defined by the Racing Act 1958), you can take the matter further with the Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner (ORIC), who can be contacted at:

      [email protected]

      + 61 3 8684 7776

      + 61 3 8684 7778

      Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner
      PO Box 24034 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3001