
  • Saturday, 26 Mar, 2022,
  • by Andrew Copley

The Chase is back on

GRV’s Chase for Charity is underway again in 2022 with three wonderful charities set to share in some serious fundraising dollars as part of SEN’s Off The Bench radio show on Saturday mornings.

Ronald McDonald House, Victorian Men’s Shed Association of Victoria and McAuley House are on board as Craig Hutchison (Hutchy), Liam Pickering (Pickers) and GRV each place a $500 bet on a greyhound every weekend during the AFL season, with all winnings to go to their respective charities.

GRV Chair Peita Duncan caught up with Pickers and Sam Hargreaves on SEN’s Off The Bench program this morning to officially welcome in this year’s charities.

“We get enormous satisfaction from being able to make a contribution to all of these outstanding charities. They do such amazing work and this is our way of being able to give back to what are really important services,” Ms Duncan said,

The Chase for Charity has raised more than $200,000 for various charity organisations in recent years.

Hear this morning’s interview with Peita Duncan below.


Ronald McDonald House – Giving seriously ill children the best gift of all, their families.

Victorian Men’s Shed Association – Helping Victorian men to be happy and healthy contributors within their local community.

McAuley House – Providing support to women and their children experiencing family violence.

Andrew CopleyAndrew Copley

Andrew Copley

Communications Manager at Greyhound Racing Victoria with 25 years’ experience as a reporter with National Greyhound Form newspaper and GRV. Former Watchdog form analyst. Adopter of celebrity greyhound, Fred Basset. Victorian Greyhound of the Year and Victorian greyhound racing Hall of Fame panel member.

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