
  • Wednesday, 14 Oct, 2020,
  • by Phillip Weir

Good vibes at the Great Chase.

Although the TAB Great Chase in Cranbourne has been postponed this year due to COVID-19, Michele Burns and the team at Cerebral Palsy Education Centre have a daily reminder of the time they won $1,000 in prize money.

The Cerebral Palsy Education Centre, located in Glen Waverley, provides physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology (individually or in multidisciplinary groups), and they also enable families to access essential equipment they need in their daily lives.

The $1,000 they won three years ago has enabled the centre to purchase vital items to enrich the lives of their clients. Michele explains “We used the money to purchase specialised cutlery and bowls for the speech pathologists to use when doing mealtime during speech pathology sessions for early childhood intervention clients, preschool 0-6 years who have complex needs and require highly supervised mealtimes.

We also purchased some ‘Z-vibes’ which look like little toothbrushes. These are battery operated vibrating devices that help the children feel their mouths to assist with chewing and swallowing during mealtimes. The children attending CPEC services often have many sensory issues and chewing and swallowing safely is essential for every child.”

Cranbourne Greyhound Racing Club looks forward to welcoming The Cerebral Palsy Education Centre and all community groups back on track for The Great Chase 2021, which will more than make up for 2020’s postponement.


Phillip WeirPhillip Weir

Phillip Weir

Phil has spent a lifetime working in the media. He has a keen interest in the history of the greyhound breed and is a foster carer for the Greyhound Adoption Program.

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