Greyhound Racing Victoria is seeking feedback on a new policy regarding bet limits.
The feedback GRV receives from both wagering operators and customers will help inform possible changes to the draft of the Minimum Bet Limit Policy.
GRV is endeavouring to support customers who wager on Victorian greyhound racing and respond to any relevant issues regarding fixed odds betting on greyhound racing.
The consultation period for GRV’s draft Minimum Bet Policy Conditions runs from Tuesday 1 May until Wednesday 22 May 2018.
The draft policy will look at areas such as accepting a fixed odds bet with a maximum outlay. This amount would be different for metropolitan race meets and non-metropolitan race meets.
It also outlines the responsibilities and rights of both the wagering service providers and customers with fixed odds betting and any restrictions or account closures.
The full draft policy can be viewed here.
To provide feedback on the draft policy, email [email protected] using the Subject Line: Feedback on GRV Draft Minimum Bet Policy.
To assist GRV with understanding your perspective please clearly reference the specific parts of the draft policy you wish to provide feedback on.
GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.
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