
  • Wednesday, 02 Dec, 2015,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

National and Local Greyhound Rules are changing

National and Local Greyhound Rules are changing

 Greyhounds Australasia has amended its National Rules and the amendments come into effect in Victoria on 1 December 2015.

Local Racing Rules will also be changing as Greyhound Racing Victoria is proposing a range of animal welfare and integrity-related amendments, many in direct response to recommendations in the Racing Integrity Commissioner and Chief Veterinary Officer Victoria reports.

The amendments to the Greyhounds Australasia Rules cover a range of issues including: controlling body powers; timing of races; satisfactory trials; reporting on matters affecting performance;

and race day treatment and records. Also covered are: out of competition testing; new thresholds for prohibited substances; and testing/swabbing procedures.

Other amendments deal with: the proper care (welfare) of greyhounds; reportable diseases; greyhound control and location notifications; ownership and leasing transfers; artificial insemination results; and identity confirmation, registration and naming of sires, breeding females and litters. The full amended rules can be downloaded at:

Amendments proposed for Local Rules cover: greyhound euthanasia: regulation of greyhound training properties; and Registered Greyhound Racing Participants.

Other planned amendments deal with lure approvals and penalties for live baiting, unapproved lures and other serious offences. The amendments also extend the powers of Stewards to cancel or suspend registrations, approve transfers of suspended and disqualified greyhounds and deal with suspended and disqualified persons and unbecoming and disreputable behaviour.

GRV is now inviting submissions by 10 December 2015 from industry participants about these proposed amendments and you can find out more and have your say at

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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