
  • Tuesday, 15 Apr, 2014,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

View Nominations Feature Launched

Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) has today introduced a new web development that enables trainers to view the nomination count for all future meetings to assist with the placement of their greyhounds.


The development has been introduced on the back of the Grading Review process undertaken by the Integrity, Racing and Welfare Department over the past month. Members can now see the number of nominations for each future meeting in order to help determine whether their greyhounds are likely to gain a start.


An example of what the View Nominations page looks like. Click to see the page in full. 

GRV’s General Manager of Integrity, Racing and Welfare, Glen Canty, said this development is one of a number of improvements that will be made to the grading system over the coming months and that without industry feedback and the cordial flow of information, it wouldn’t have been possible.

“The ability to see the nomination count is important and was highlighted as a key element that members required through the Grading Review process. This is one of many improvements to grading that will be implemented over the next couple of months as we work together with members on creating the best possible experience within the sport,” Mr Canty said.

“Throughout the Strategic Planning process it became evident that more needed to be done in the area of grading and after gathering as much member feedback as possible through various channels, we have resolved to implement this feature on our website.”

The ability to view the nomination count for upcoming meetings is a further enhancement to membership experience and has been developed in addition to the ability to view a greyhound’s ranking which was introduced in March. Both these measures are designed to make it easier for members to place their greyhounds and increase the understanding of why certain greyhounds gain a start.

The outcomes of the Grading Review process are likely to be announced in May.

For more information please visit: 

Or contact the Integrity, Racing and Welfare Department on: 03 8329 1100

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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