
  • Thursday, 13 Apr, 2023,
  • by Andrew Copley

Preferential Box Draws pilot deferred

GRV has postponed the introduction of a Preferential Box Draws (PBD) pilot to allow for its current Local Rules consultation process to conclude.

An initial PBD pilot was set to commence at Traralgon on Wednesday 19 April, 2023.

However, the delay will allow all feedback on Local Rules to be compiled and provide an opportunity to further develop the PBD pilot to allow the concept to achieve the best possible outcomes.

PBD races are expected to commence later this year, with dates likely to be announced in the coming months.

GRV apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Andrew CopleyAndrew Copley

Andrew Copley

Communications Manager at Greyhound Racing Victoria with 25 years’ experience as a reporter with National Greyhound Form newspaper and GRV. Former Watchdog form analyst. Adopter of celebrity greyhound, Fred Basset. Victorian Greyhound of the Year and Victorian greyhound racing Hall of Fame panel member.

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