
  • Wednesday, 13 Sep, 2023,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

Statement in response to the Final Report of the Independent Review into Victorian Racing Industry Victim Support and Complaint Processes

Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) thanks the Racing Integrity Commissioner for his and his team’s work on preparing this Report.

It is a call to action for all racing codes to continue and strengthen our efforts to foster a culture where physical and sexual abuse, assault and harassment are not tolerated.

In the context of the greyhound racing industry, this Report will assist GRV to focus on areas relevant to the risks to people involved in our sport, and will help us work with our key stakeholders to ensure a safe and supportive culture across the entire racing industry.

It took great courage for survivors to come forward and share their stories with the Racing Integrity Commissioner, and we thank them for doing so.

While the industry cannot undo the past, we can prevent future harm by making sure we have robust systems in place to report and stop egregious conduct and to foster workplaces with a zero-tolerance approach to unacceptable behaviour.

GRV CEO Stuart Laing

“We apologise to survivors for the harm they experienced from past failures to protect them.

“GRV commits to learning from the Report, so we can play our part in driving a better future for the Victorian racing industry.

“We will continue to work with our participants, clubs and key stakeholders and with other codes to promote a culture within racing where silence or inaction in the face of abuse and harassment are not tolerated.

Greyhound Clubs Victoria (GCV) CEO Brett Jones

“I want to acknowledge the bravery of those people who have come forward.

“Our clubs will continue to work together with GRV and participants to help make further improvements to education, systems, process and support services in the context of the greyhound racing environment.”

Greyhound Owners Trainers & Breeders Association (GOTBA) President Greg Doyle

“All of those who participate and work in the greyhound racing industry deserve and expect a safe and welcoming environment.

“We need to support and show respect to each other, ensuring we continue to progress and improve the outcomes for all involved.”

This statement and the publication of the Report contains material that is upsetting and may be difficult to discuss. Please exercise self-care and if you need assistance, please contact the following services for free and confidential support, or utilise other publicly available services:

  • GRV families – GRV employees and their families can access the EAP for confidential counselling sessions 1800 818 728
  • Greyhound Racing families – Greyhound Racing Participants can access the free-of-charge counselling services available for all participants and their families 1300 739 550
  • 1800 Respect: operates 24-hours a day, 7 days a week support service for people who have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line Crisis Line: 1800 806 292 (free call)
  • CASA Website: provides a list of Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault
  • Lifeline: 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention 13 11 14

Click here to read the report.

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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