She’s Gifted has been scratched from Saturday nights Australian Cup due to injury, making way for first reserve Shima Breeze.
“Due to the Avalon Airshow currently practicing above her kennels, poor Soxy (She’s Gifted), has taken fright and injured herself in her kennel,” owner Terry Solier said.
“Whilst it’s extremely disappointing for all of us involved we will always put Soxy’s welfare before greed. She has been amazing to us and taken us on a journey we will never forget and her health is more important than winning or money.”
South Australian Shima Breeze’s starting box will be determined at the close of scratching’s Saturday morning at 8.30am.
Communication Assistant at Greyhound Racing Victoria with 16 years of experience working with greyhounds in all capacities.
Make sure you get your hands on today’s Herald Sun for a four page lift out on the Australian Cup Carnival.