Coursing’s holy grail – the Waterloo Cup – kicks off tomorrow at Longwood with a full card of 64 entrants for the first time since 2012.
The Waterloo Cup is traditionally held across back-to-back days (Saturday and Sunday) – during which greyhounds compete up to six times in a knockout competition.
However, the event will instead be run over consecutive Sundays this year (April 15 & 22) giving the last eight greyhounds a full week to recover before contesting the final three rounds.
Among the most anticipated match-up this year is the battle between Rothwell Prince (Phil Smith) and Utah Ghost (Tim Britton).
Rothwell Prince won coursing’s prestigious Bert Clark Memorial this season, while Utah Ghost snared the recent Victorian Straight Track Championship at Healesville.
“He’ll give a good account of himself, but he’s got a very tough assignment first up,” Smith told Victoria Shaw. “I’m going there optomistically, but I think he’ll go okay.”
Smith said the variety of the lure has got Rothwell Prince chasing a lot keener.
Hear the full interview below…