In line with the State Government’s announcement today, which eases COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria, the following GRV Covid protocols will apply to ALL race meetings at ALL tracks in Victoria, effective from Friday 18 June 2021:
• Access to the track will be for REGISTERED persons only until otherwise notified. (This is subject to continuous review)
• QR code registration is compulsory
• Face masks are to be worn at all times when inside a building, including the kennel block, Vet’s room and Steward’s room
• Face masks are also required to be worn whilst loading a greyhound into the starting boxes and whilst performing any role in the catching pen, including catching greyhounds
• Where there is an inability to maintain a minimum of 1.5 metre social distancing in other settings, masks MUST also be worn.
Health screening (temperature testing) will no longer be conducted at race meetings, however it is important that people do NOT attend the track if they are feeling unwell in any way.