
  • Friday, 28 Jun, 2019,
  • by Molly Haines

Traralgon Club consultation evening

The Traralgon Greyhound Racing Club (TGRC) will host a club consultation evening on Wednesday July 3 at 6.30pm to discuss the proposed new Traralgon track designs.

This consultation evening will form another key component in the overall consultation program which has been open to stakeholders since last week and will run until Friday 12 July 2019.

A state-of-the-art J curve and a more traditional U curve design are the proposed track design options and both tracks have been created to provide the highest level of racing safety possible.

A presentation will be made by the club around the new designs, followed by an open and constructive discussion with a panel of experts who were behind the Horsham track redevelopment.

Panel members include Professor David Eager from University of Technology Sydney (UTS), David Allan from David Allan Consulting Engineers along with TGRC Manager Steve Clarke, GRV’s Director Safe Racing Scott Robins as well as other GRV Officials.

The purpose of the targeted club consultation evening is to discuss participants feedback around the new designs.

“No decisions have been made around these new designs which is why we want to hear from participants,” TGRC Manager Steve Clarke said.

“It is important that we have views from a range of people to ensure we design and build the safest track possible.”

No registrations necessary to attend the club consultation and refreshments will be provided.

Traralgon Club Consultation Evening
Wednesday, July 3


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Molly HainesMolly Haines

Molly Haines

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