
  • Monday, 27 Apr, 2015,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

Important Changes to Grading

Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) has introduced a number of changes to racing and grading as part of its continual drive to improve racing opportunities in Victoria.

One of the changes will be that LR28.7 ‘Associated Greyhounds’ will not be applied.

The rule and guideline was introduced following a substantial consultation period where GRV received feedback from its members at three strategic consultation sessions, through 632 industry surveys, from one participant workshop, four public grading specific consultation sessions at Clubs (Warragul, Geelong, Bendigo and Sandown) and contribution from the Greyhound Owners Trainers and Breeders Association (GOTBA). In addition to this, all grading queries from 2013 and 2014 were reviewed.

The trial of the rule and guideline lasted for more than six months but with lack of nominations and support from trainers the change was unable to function as originally planned and the trial period will now cease.

GRV Chief Executive, Adam Wallish, stated that although the change was intended to give more trainers the chance to compete there was a clear lack of support for it.

“The rule and guideline was brought in on the back of feedback from the industry and was designed to give all participants the best opportunity to race their greyhounds at all tracks.

“For the rule to work properly there needed to be support from participants and that wasn’t forthcoming.

“This was evidenced by fewer nominations being received on time – particularly at both metropolitan tracks -which led to nomination times being extended more frequently and the rule and guideline not working effectively as planned,” Wallish said.

During the period the ‘Associated Greyhounds’ rule and guideline was in place, there was a 43 per cent increase year on year in the number of meetings at city tracks (including MEP and SAP) that required nomination extensions. At all tracks, the total number of meetings where nominations were extended rose from 75 to 104.

“This significant increase in the number of meetings where nominations needed to be extended is not operationally sustainable. We therefore have made the decision to remove the application of this rule from our grading guidelines,” Wallish added.

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Grading Table

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In the coming months there will be a number of new opportunities for members to race their greyhounds. These new race types have been introduced in the endeavour to provide more people with more opportunities.

“The additional changes to racing and grading we have announced today have been made after industry consultation and a thorough review of grading practices.

“There are a number of new races available to trainers with the aim of giving everyone in greyhound racing a fair go and an opportunity to participate in the sport.”




Any queries about the changes should be directed to: [email protected] or the Racing Department on 03 8329 1100.









Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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