
  • Friday, 24 Jul, 2020,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

ALL GRV Participants attending any racetrack in Victoria Must Wear a Face Mask

In order to maintain a healthy and safe environment for all participants and race day staff, and consistent with the recent announcement by the Victorian State Government declaring the wearing of masks mandatory for Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire as of 11:59 pm Wednesday 22 July 2020, the Stewards of Greyhound Racing Victoria issue the following direction to all GRV registered participants…

Effective as of 11.59pm Wednesday 22 July 2020:

Official Direction to All GRV Registered Participants:

Face masks must be worn at all times by GRV registered participants attending ANY Greyhound Racing Track, not just limited to Melbourne or the Mitchell Shire


Temperature testing upon arrival will continue. Participants are also encouraged to continue to comply with social distancing requirements introduced at the various Racing Clubs which will be closely monitored and enforced by GRV staff.

All participants are encouraged to continue to wash and disinfect their hands regularly.

Any participant who attends a racetrack not wearing a face mask will be refused entry.

(NOTE:  Any participant who has a medical condition which would make the wearing of a face mask difficult to breathe, or may struggle to put on and/or remove a mask due to a physical disability, is strongly encouraged to obtain a medical report from their treating medical practitioner prior to attending a race track).

Participants are warned that should they fail to comply with the above requirements, Stewards may issue a penalty pursuant to Greyhounds Australasia Rule 86(p) which states the following:

GAR 86:  A person (including an official) shall be guilty of an offence if the person:-

(p) disobeys or fails to comply with the lawful order of a Steward or other person or body having official duties in relation to greyhound racing

Stewards may impose a penalty in the form of a fine or may include a period of suspension or disqualification depending on the severity and surrounding circumstances of the breach.

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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