
  • Saturday, 26 Aug, 2023,
  • by Andrew Copley

Wow She’s Fast named Australian Greyhound of the Year

Champion Victorian sprinter Wow She’s Fast was named the Australian Greyhound of the Year at the 2023 Greyhound Clubs Australia Awards at Hotel Sofitel in Melbourne on Friday night.

Seven days after being crowned the Victorian Greyhound of the Year, Wow She’s Fast, the world’s first and only greyhound win $2 million in prizemoney, was the toast of the sport once again, taking out our sport’s highest national accolade.

The Jackie Greenough-trained Wow She’s Fast had a stellar 2022-23 racing season, snaring back-to-back wins in the world’s richest greyhound race, The Phoenix, as well as victories in the Group 1 Maturity Classic, Group 1 Temlee and Group 3 Shootout.

In other highlights on Friday night, long-serving Victorian administrators Geoff Dawson, Eddie Caruana and Neil Brown were inducted into the Australian Greyhound Racing Hall of Fame.

Dawson and Caruana are former Chairmen of the Sandown Greyhound Racing Club and Melbourne Greyhound Racing Association respectively, while Brown is the current Sandown GRC Chairman. All three were in attendance on Friday night where their announcements drew rapturous applause.

Other Victorians recognised at the GCA Awards were Fernando Bale (Sire of the Year), Angela Langton and Jeff Britton (Trainer of the Year) and Kelsey Bale (Run of the Year).


Australian Greyhound of the Year:
Wow She’s Fast

Australian Trainer of the Year:
Angela Langton and Jeff Britton

Australian Sire of the Year:
Fernando Bale

Australian Broodbitch of the Year:
Victa Polly

Denise Fysh Award:
Amanda Grice

*named in honour of the late admired former Hobart GRC administrator Denise Fysh (there is no set criteria for this award).

Australian Greyhound Racing Hall of Fame:
Neil Brown
Eddie Caruana
Geoff Dawson

Run of the Year:
Kelsey Bale (Ballarat Cup final)

WATCH: Kelsey Bale (7) wins the Ballarat Cup in a performance which earned her the GCA Run of the Year.

Andrew CopleyAndrew Copley

Andrew Copley

Communications Manager at Greyhound Racing Victoria with 25 years’ experience as a reporter with National Greyhound Form newspaper and GRV. Former Watchdog form analyst. Adopter of celebrity greyhound, Fred Basset. Victorian Greyhound of the Year and Victorian greyhound racing Hall of Fame panel member.

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