
  • Friday, 21 Apr, 2023,
  • by Andrew Copley

Ukrainian humanitarian aid fundraiser reaches half way point

Last night marked the half-way point of GRV’s current fundraising efforts for displaced Ukrainians who have fled to Australia as a result of the current war on their home country.

GRV is donating $400 to help Ukrainians in need of humanitarian aid every time the blue number four dog and yellow number five dog run first and second (in any order) in the same race at any Victorian racetrack for a period of one month up until to May 5, 2023.

The campaign started on April 6 – International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) – with the four and five dog quinellas already landing on 16 occasions over the first 15 days, equating to $6400 being raised so far.

Blue and yellow are the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

GRV and its 13 race clubs support a number of charities each year, and are proud to join forces with the Association of Ukrainians in Victoria (AUV) for this extremely worthwhile cause.

To make a donation to support displaced Ukrainians please click here

GRV CEO Stuart Laing with AUV Chairperson Tatiana Zachariak at the launch of greyhound racing’s Ukraine humanitarian fundraiser earlier this month.

Andrew CopleyAndrew Copley

Andrew Copley

Communications Manager at Greyhound Racing Victoria with 25 years’ experience as a reporter with National Greyhound Form newspaper and GRV. Former Watchdog form analyst. Adopter of celebrity greyhound, Fred Basset. Victorian Greyhound of the Year and Victorian greyhound racing Hall of Fame panel member.

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