
  • Monday, 30 Aug, 2021,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

Traralgon J-Curve fast facts

The world-first J-Curve Traralgon track continues to reach new milestones. The most recent update is the installation of the rail for the battery-operated lure system – a first for Victorian greyhound tracks.

Below are some fast facts on the state-of-the-art J-Curve greyhound track design.

Track Length: 620m
Start Distances: 500m, 450, 395m and 350m
Transition into First Turn: 75m
Radius: 70m
Width: 7m
Camber: 8% on turn , 3% on straights
Run into Catching Pen: 120m
Lighting: LED
Watering: Automated Sprinkler System, Water Car and Hand Watering points
Drop On Boxes: 450m, 395m, 350m
Sand: Burrumbeet
Lure System: Steriline SafeChase Electric Lure (no cable)
Technology: Big screen (60SQM) and Isolynx tracking system
Other features: Walkway Under track and 262m-361m walk from kennels to starting boxes.

Clint Anderson takes his camera around the new track prior to sand being laid.

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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