
  • Thursday, 02 Mar, 2017,
  • by Molly Haines

Burning favourite’s on fire

Horse racing has the incredible Winx, but greyhound racing has a new champion in Burn One Down (pictured) , who continues to do the impossible and will be a major drawcard on Australian Cup night when he lines up as the hot favourite in the Group One Super Stayers (725m).

Boasting more than $300,000 in prize money from just 36 starts, Burn One Down proved just how talented he is when he dominated the invitational Group One Zoom Top (725m) at The Meadows on opening night of the Australian Cup Carnival on February 18.

But it was his Superstayers heat win last weekend that left not only his trainer Jason Thompson in awe, but also everyone else that witnessed his performance.

In a run that can only be seen to be believed, Burn One Down came from last position to secure his place in the $145,000 final.

[youtube youtubeurl=”Av7yHDjxLWc” ][/youtube]

WATCH: Burn One Down win his heat of the Group One Super Stayers from box six.
“His run was enormous. With a lap to go I didn’t think he could do better than a placing,” Thompson said.

“In terms of a dog that can run from 400 metres to 700 metres, he is the fastest dog I have trained. I have never had a dog that can do what he does. I just love watching him go around.”

Burn One Down will look to improve on his formidable ten-starts-for-nine-wins record at The Meadows over 725 metres when he jumps from box six.

Thompson also has two runners in the Australian Cup – the super consistent Aston Bolero (pictured below) ($7.50) and Aeroplane Bob ($23).
Aston Bolero 6400


[youtube youtubeurl=”RAGLHVoTOzY” ][/youtube]
WATCH: James Van de Maat and Elly wicks preview the 2017 Group 1 Australian Cup. 
[youtube youtubeurl=”r1QmVDSelZg” ][/youtube]
WATCH: James Van de Maat in full voice throughout his stirring phantom call of Saturday night’s 2017 Group 1 Sky Racing Australian Cup.

Molly HainesMolly Haines

Molly Haines

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