Integrity and the welfare of our greyhounds are key strategic objectives of Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV). We recognise and understand the need to meet community expectations for contemporary approaches to greyhound welfare and management and that, if the industry doesn’t meet those expectations, it will not have the community’s support and our sport will not have a viable or sustainable future.
GRV is committed to using best-practice integrity and animal welfare approaches to design and implement policies, procedures, education programs, regulatory initiatives and incentives that provide a whole of life cycle approach and focus on:
Some of GRV’s activities include the implementation of:
The Racing Integrity Commissioner, which provides independent oversight of integrity in greyhound racing, also has powers to conduct audits, investigate complaints, summons persons, take evidence, and make directions to the Victorian Racing Tribunal which has jurisdictions for all matters involving serious offences under the rules of racing of the respective racing codes.
GRV is committed to transparency and regularly reporting the outcomes of our activities. This is important in ensuring we maintain our own high standards and giving the community confidence the industry is performing to the standards it expects. To this end, GRV publishes monthly reports by the Integrity Unit and has established the Greyhound Care & Standards website which provides welfare information for participants about the appropriate care and treatment of greyhounds.