
  • Tuesday, 31 Mar, 2015,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

Stewards Recommence Disqualification Period for Graeme Bate

Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) stewards recommenced the three year disqualification period of Mr Graeme Bate last week following an investigation into a rule breach of GAR 99 (3) (g) finding that he did enter or remain on a place where greyhounds were kept.

Mr Bate was disqualified by the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board (RADB) on 10 June 2014 for two years for deliberately administering a prohibited substance to a greyhound in his care in addition to four other rule breaches. Stewards appealed this decision to VCAT citing that the penalty was manifestly inadequate. On appeal, VCAT increased the disqualification period to three years on 21 October 2014.

Mr Bate’s three year disqualification period has now recommenced as of 27 February 2015.

GRV Chief Executive, Adam Wallish, said that those that breach the rules of greyhound racing will be punished.

“If you break the rules in greyhound racing you will be caught and you will be punished,” he said.

“There’s is no place in this sport for people that believe they can get away with rule breaches. Our investigatory and enforcement arm will identify people that aren’t doing the right thing and will bring forward cases against them.”

Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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